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Congratulations to Dr. Samit Ghosh who was recently awarded his second NIH-NIDDK R01. Dr. Ghosh has been awarded annual direct costs of over $400,000 his grant titled, “Renal endothelium and the development of chronic kidney disease in sickle cell disorders.” This proposal was submitted in response to the competitive funding opportunity titled NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01) under funding opportunity number PA-20-185.

Progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD), associated with intravascular hemolysis, is a steady predictor of morbidity and early mortality in sickle cell disease (SCD). This project seeks to determine that circulating heme, the hemolytic byproduct, downregulates endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) through induction of endothelial P-selectin and neutrophilic proteinase 3 (PR3) resulting in renal microvascular endothelial damage and CKD development. The project will assess whether specific genetic variants and soluble form of EPCR are associated with the risk of CKD, and identify specific intermediate therapeutic targets to impede CKD pathogenesis in SCD.